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I am able to channel various light languages and I know that these languages I speak can be used to heal people on physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels. 

When we connect for our session, you can bring up a topic or two that will be the focal point(s) of the healing session. Each session is unique and varies. I will be guided as the session commences. It will always be what you need, not necessarily what we want.

Once I  go into the channeling state, a variety of light languages can and often do come through me, sometimes combined with toning, and sometimes they are delivered as a song. It really is a mixed bag of what will come out and through. and never ceases to surpise me!

Whatever comes through is unique and specific for the person having the session. This works on a soul level and is similar to sound therapy.

To book a session with me please go to the book a session page for prices and then email me here

To watch a video where I discuss light language and FAQs see below videos.

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What you need to know

This is an excerpt from Crystaline Soul Healing

Light Language is a multidimensional form of communication that humanity is opening to at greater capacity during this exciting time of Ascension. It is a non-linear, multi-layered form of communication that is merely a unique form of channeling. All humans are channels, it is just a matter of shifting your vibrational resonance to tune into the frequencies of the Language of Light.

It is innate within All Beings to communicate with the Divine. Light Language is one way of opening that communication. It opens the full telepathic channels and creates a union with your powerful, connective heart that speeds humanity’s evolution. Light Language is directly by your Higher Self, the infinite aspect of you that “speaks” it fluently. Your Higher Self will help you release and activate as appropriate for your moment.

Light is a quantum carrier vehicle of information, utilizing the observer/receiver to activate the information within it. Light Language is higher dimensional frequencies that ‘speak’ directly to your DNA and energy field, finding a resonance that balances you on profound and practical levels. While your mind may not understand the ‘words,’ your subtle bodies understand the support and healing that the Language of Light offers.

Violet Stars
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"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

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